Life Stages



Knowledge is power; mastery is key

We understand that knowledge is power. As such, we work from an evidence-based approach with an empowerment lens by ensuring that the skills and information we bring to you are rooted in rigorous scientific research. Our goal is to empower you with sound evidence-based knowledge to give you a full understanding of not only the practical aspects of how to strengthen your holistic health but the data behind it as well. The more you understand, the more you can align and integrate the knowledge in a way that best resonates with you. 

Organizations, Brands & People We Love!

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Organizations, Brands & People We Love!

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Discover free video, audio, and infographic resources as well as knowledge modules on specific wellness topics to support your health journey. 

Inner Sanctum

our online education and community platform for free to access all our member exclusives. 

Learn about the science behind Life Stages’ social media posts below:

Evolution Newsletter

Newsletter Holiday 2024

Navigating Burnout
As we start closing the fall season and enter winter, it’s time to fall into your wellbeing by slowing down, reflecting, and nurturing yourself …

Newsletter Autumn 2024

Smart Goals newsletter image
To celebrate this transition, we’re taking inspiration from the transitional season to help you align and finish off the year strong! As the days …

Newsletter July 2024

Can you believe more than halfway of the year is in the rearview? It’s the perfect time to hit pause, look back on your journey, and set your sights …

Click here to view previous editions of our newsletter

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State of Wellbeing

Did you know that over 12% the global population is affected by mental health challenges?

It’s estimated that 50% of the world’s population will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime?

The numbers are equally as staggering in the U.S.
  • 1 in 5 (or 20%) of U.S. adults– experience mental illness each year
  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14 
  • 75% of all lifetime mental illness has started by age 24

Life Stages is ​addressing the dire global mental health & isolation/disconnection crises to strengthen and invest in humanity’s wellness and potential ​.

We offer practical, everyday solutions to incorporate into your daily life that will help you create more health-aligned neural pathways.

Equipping you with fundamental tools to:

  • Build and strengthen your own unique Life Skills Toolkit™– o​r set of scientifically-backed wellness/development tools to help achieve holistic wellness (i.e. physical, mental and socio-emotional health)
  • Get to know yourself better and learn to build an aligned life
  • Connect to your local environment and community
  • Experience new adventures in a safe and aligned manner

Society is not only losing money fighting mental health concerns but also losing productivity and overall human potential thus impacting current and future economic and social output and innovation.​ 


There is a dire national and global need for sustainable and effective preventative wellness and personal development options– especially ones that re-connect people with their local environment, community, themselves, and aligned others. 

Although, many are eagerly looking to improve their health an​d wellbeing through: 

  • Apps
  • Virtual or In-person Therapy
  • Social Clubs
  • Online Apps
  • Social Media
  • And countless other ways

These come with specific lenses and varying degrees of success.

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The U.S. does not fare better, spending:

The global cost for poor mental health and related lost productivity is estimated to be $2.5T and expected to rise to $6T  by 2030

>$225 Billion

in mental health 
treatments & services alone

Not including the estimated

$47.6 Billion

in lost work productivity

The Life Stages Difference

Life Stages takes a holistic look at personal health, wellness and development– incorporating physical, mental, and socio-emotional well-being with evidence-based, practical tools to not only sustain but strengthen and evolve your wellness connection and perspective a​s you yourself evolve with time.

The Life stages team is driven by the belief that there is untapped potential in nature, community, holistic health, and psychological growth. We believe interconnection and mass self-awareness and self-development are the key to global positive change. We believe societal evolution starts at the individual level.

Life Stages does not see health, wellness and development as separate areas (e.g.​ sleep, stress, self-alignment) but rather as cohesive and integrated aspects that must work in harmony to achieve baseline wellness.

Life Stages understands we, as humans, are not stagnant beings and are happiest and healthiest when we know ourselves, are connected healthily to our environment, have an aligned community, and can walk in the world with purpose. We equip our users with fundamental wellness and tools, to do just that: achieve holistic, baseline wellness with tra​nsferable skills they can further expand, strengthen, and build off of in order to continue evolving and developing in wellness and beyond.