Category: Newsletters
Newsletter December 2022
In the midst of the holiday season, it’s easy to forget to take some time apart from the busy season and make time to focus on your mental, and physical health. In this edition, you’ll nd information on how to best manage stress this holiday season, as well as upcoming events to help you build…
Newsletter November 2022
We’ve been hard at work these past few months and are excited to share with you all that we’ve been up to at Life Stages during this time! Below you’ll nd information on upcoming pop-up events, mental health resources, a holiday poll, and opportunities to help us build the best mind-body outdoor health service possible!
Newsletter October 2023
As we gear up for the holidays, our excitement levels are rising! Be prepared for a surge of strategies to help you rejuvenate and thrive this October. Here at Life Stages, we are to help ensure you’re cherishing every moment and nourishing throughout the spirited month!
Newsletter September 2023
This fall season can mean a new journey, a new beginning, or a new start–whether these are expected or unexpected changes in our lives. Change can be hard but it can also give us an opportunity to increase our resilience and self-condence, especially with the right support—and we’re here to help! Our Life Stages team…
Newsletter August 2023
With summer closing out, we here at Life Stages are looking forward to fall. We are excited to continue sharing health & wellness tips with you. Whether it be through our social media platforms, in-person events or Inner Sanctum, we are always learning more about ourselves and about each other.
Newsletter July 2023
With summer in full swing, we hope you are taking time to pause and enjoy the moment! We at Life Stages certainly are, and we are excited to let you in on our next big project: Inner Sanctum! It is an online community and education platform that connects you with like minded individuals and health…
Newsletter June 2023
Before we move into July, we wanted to check in and provide some more resources and tools as well as some upcoming events to get excited about! We are most excited about our upcoming Affinity Wellness events, which are free events for BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ communities and their allies.
Newsletter June 2023
As the days grow longer and the world around us bursts with life, let us remember to pause, breathe, and savor the magic of this season. Together, we can foster a mindful approach to summer and empower ourselves to create a season lled with self-care, relaxation, and personal growth. In this newsletter, we will help…
Newsletter April 2023
Spring is blooming in the Bay Area– what about in your neighborhood? As Spring and its abundance continue to unfold, how are you supporting your own bloom? At Life Stages, we’ve transitioned into action along with the Spring season. Last week we hosted our rst wellness pop-up– a Strengthening & Grounding Forest Bathing and Hike…
Newsletter March 2023
Can you believe we’re wrapped up the second month of the new year?! 2022 came and went so quickly— and 2023 seems to be no different! Yet, before we get into the rest of the whirlwind of the year, the team at Life Stages wants to take a moment to share the gratitude and appreciation…